UNEP and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)

UNEP and the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), chapter in Kenneth Abbott et.al. (eds) 2015. International Organizations as Orchestrators,  Cambridge University Press 2015. Co-authored with Klaus Dingwerth of Bremen University, collaboration with a group of leading International Relations scholars. Presents first historical overview of development of the PRI, voluntary initiative with UNEP FI and UN Global Compact.

The UN Global Compact and Global Reporting Initiative

The UN Global Compact and Global Reporting Initiative: Where principles meet performance, chapter in Petschow, Ulrich; Rosenau, James and Von Weizsaecker, Ernst Ulrich (eds) 2006. Governance and Sustainability. Sheffield: Greenleaf Publishing 2006. Compares core principles of the Global Compact and the Global Reporting Initiative, and action steps to implement the environmental principles of the Compact.

Corporate Responsibility

Corporate Responsibility: The UNEP Experience, chapter in Tully, S. et.al (eds) 2005. Corporate Liability and Responsibility. London: London School of Economics, Edward Elgar Publishing 2005. Co-authored with Monique Barbut (UNEP, GEF), chapter describes approach followed by UNEP during 1990s and 2000s to corporate environmental responsibility, including the role of reporting in complementing business voluntarism.

Tracking global governance and sustainability: Is the system working?

Tracking global governance and sustainability: Is the system working? Chapter in Henriques, A. et. al. (eds) 2003. Triple Bottom Line: Does it all add up? London: Earthscan Publishing 2003. Co-authored with Nancy Bennet, chapter places macro and micro level sustainable development indicators side by side, considering how global indexes, observation systems and multilateral agreements link with bottom-up data […]

State Sovereignty or Ecological Sovereignty

State Sovereignty or Ecological Sovereignty: The regulation of acid rain within the European Union. Bonn: Nomos Publishing, 2000. Book publication of my PhD, covering developments in EU during the 1980s around the regulation of transboundary air pollution. It includes case study analysis of negotiation of the EU’s Large Combustion Plant Directive.

An international environmental regime for the Antarctic

An international environmental regime for the Antarctic: critical investigations, in Polar Record (Cambridge University Press), vol. 33, no 186, July 1997. Based on my Masters degree, article applies international regime theory to the Antarctic Treaty System. It addresses negotiation of the 1991 Protocol on Environmental Protection, placing a ban of 50 years on mining activities in the Antarctic.