The CFO as Value Creator (Institute of Management Accountants, New Jersey 2020)

The CFO as Value Creator (Institute of Management Accountants, New Jersey 2020) Co-authored with Shari Littan, Kristine Brands & Brad Monterio, based on interviews with finance executives world-wide.
Linking integrated reporting quality with sustainability performance and financial performance (South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 23/1, 2020)

Linking integrated reporting quality with sustainability performance and financial performance (South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 23/1, 2020) Co-authored with Nadia Mans-Kemp, comparing integrated reporting quality, ESG performance and financial performance of JSE 100.
The Blueprint for New Accounting

The Blueprint for New Accounting (Reporting 3.0 Accounting Blueprint, Berlin 2018) Lead author, with Carol Adams as chapter contributor, of the blueprint on accounting in 20 years time, encompassing financial, management & sustainability accounting.
The sustainability reporter

The sustainability reporter: A deep dive into the challenges and benefits of new corporate reporting processes (BSD and Thomson Reuters Checkpoint – White Paper, New York 2017) Co-authored with Shari Littan, including feedback from our survey of leading corporate reporters world-wide.
Making Investment Grade

Making Investment Grade: The Future of Corporate Reporting (Centre for Corporate Governance – USB, Deloitte and UNEP, 2012) Edited and concluded collection of contributions from 20 international experts in the fields of corporate reporting, investment and governance on new trends in capturing and communicating value.
Sustainability Reporting at Crossroads

Sustainability Reporting at Crossroads: Reporting Trends Survey (Utopies Consulting, 2012) With Romain Brillie and Nicolas Delange as lead authors, benchmarking of sustainability reports by 56 corporations, interviews with 28 sustainability experts, investors and communications specialists, and national emerging market reviews provided by partners from Brazil, India, China and South Africa.
The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Business and Enterprise

The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity in Business and Enterprise (Earthscan 2011) – Measuring and Reporting Biodiversity and Ecosystem Impacts and Dependence, Chapter 3 Lead co-author with Sean Gilbert (GRI) and William Evison (PricewaterhouseCoopers). Contribution to the TEEB Business report, on integration of ecosystems data in information management, accounting and reporting, investment decision-making.
Taking Life Cycle Management Mainstream

Taking Life Cycle Management Mainstream: Integration in Corporate Finance and Accounting, chapter 19 (Springer 2015) Contribution to Sonnemann, G. and Margni, M. (eds) 2015. Life Cycle Management (LCA Compendium: The Complete World of Life Cycle Assessment). Dordrecht: Springer. Considers connection between LCA metrics and corporate financial value drivers.