Tragedy of the Commons: tragically common

Despite clear business case examples and regulatory reforms being so obviously required, the “tragedy of the commons” as described by Garrett Hardin in his 1968 paper* seems to repeat itself daily in many ways, in many sectors. Take the case of nutrient overload and the agrifood value chain. Debates about the “clean green” image of […]

Africa’s Mineral Wealth: Curse or Blessing?

Interviewed on CNBC on the outcomes of the Mining Lekgotla held in Johannesburg last week, the deputy chief executive of the South African Chamber of Mines acknowledged that his industry still has much to learn in how it manages its employees and works with local communities. This was a bold statement from the executive of […]

Natural Capital: Gaining Currency with Integrated Reporting

Natural Capital may be priceless, but it is due to increasingly make its way into the annual reports of corporations world-wide. Consider Natural Capital at Risk – The Top 100 Externalities of Business – published last month by the TEEB for Business Coalition in the same week that the IIRC published a new draft of its Integrated Reporting (IR) Framework. Its […]

Sign of the times: ESG Products & Services

Recent banking scandals have raised interest in corporate governance and organisational culture as make-or-break features of what makes a responsible financial institution. These can also be found in a longer list of sustainability expectations of financial institutions that have crystallised over the last two decades. In my work with Incite we have identified the ten […]

Stick the environment where it belongs – on the balance sheet

Last month 37 chief executives of banks, investment funds and insurance companies signed up to a Natural Capital Declaration. It recognises the relationship between biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation and business risk. Its launch signalled another step forward in a slow revolution that is underway in our management of environmental affairs. No longer is the environment […]