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Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we lived in a world where everything is not presented in simplistic polar oppositions? For example assuming that not prioritising shareholders implies prioritising the whole world, that all shareholders are the same and opposed to the sustainability world, that assessing financial impacts implies excluding sustainability impacts, and that the enterprise

Values, culture and the meaning of numbers and time were key themes of discussion at the annual conference of the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) held in London on 6-7 December. The event was co-hosted with the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN), helping the IIRC to boost its outreach to the investment community. “We don’t

Materiality had some sober moments at the GRI Global Conference in Amsterdam this May. It was evident that established reporters are asking more pertinent questions about the value of the materiality determination process. Some are starting to do it less frequently (for example every three years, not annually). This raises three important questions: The frequency